Saturday, December 15, 2012

My Story

Hi everyone, my name is Francesca. My fascination with genealogy/family history started many years ago when my son was just an infant. He is now 10 years old. I have to say that through genealogy I have learned so much more than just what my family and the families of those researchers I have aided went through. I have built a much more advanced knowledge in history and in cultures than I ever though I would be able to. I have learned how surnames were changed, how people deceived even way back when, how life was lived.

When I started my genealogy I had but a handful of names of ancestors. I had no idea where to begin. I started searching the web and was able to gather some information. This immediately sparked an interest in me. I wanted to learn more.

Over the years I found more resources. I called cemeteries, hoping for some information. I paid for subscriptions to places like Ancestry. I read newspapers, so many newspapers, one of my favorite sites (as a New Yorker) is FultonHistory. I learned where to look for what I want. I became addicted to genealogy.

After a few years of researching I decided to try to help other researchers. There are no words to describe the feeling that I get when I know I have helped somebody break through their brick walls.

At present time I am still working on my brick walls, but also going back through all of my tree to make sure everything is sourced. I decided to start this blog so that I could share my trials and tribulations, and share my families story for our family.

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